24/7 Crisis Line
800-270-0041 | 360-754-1338
Olympic Health &
Recovery Services
Community Behavioral Health Rental Assistance
The Community Behavioral Health Rental Assistance (CBRA) program provides a long-term rental subsidy for high-risk individuals and households with behavioral health conditions. When combined with programs offering long-term supportive services provided by our partners, highly vulnerable persons with complex behavioral health needs have opportunities to live independently in communities of their choice.
Eligibility Criteria
Household income is at or below 50% of area median income as defined by HUD
Have a documented behavioral health condition
Eligible for a long term support service program
Have a documented need for long-term housing subsidy with no other suitable resources that can meet the long-term subsidy need.
Priority population are households meeting the eligibility criteria for the program that are discharging or needing to discharge or who have discharged from state psychiatric hospitals or community psychiatric inpatient beds within the last 12 mos.
We are not accepting CBRA Referrals at this time.