24/7 Crisis Line
800-270-0041 | 360-754-1338

Olympic Health &
Recovery Services
Forensic Housing and Recovery through
Peer Services

FHARPS helps people overcome housing challenges by offering peer support and financial assistance for application fees, security deposits, and up to a few months of rent.
It follows the Housing First Model, which ensures safe, affordable housing through Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). PSH grants tenants tenancy rights under state and local laws and provides flexible support services tailored to their needs, making housing accessible for individuals with disabilities and low or no income.
Identifying participant preferences and choice in housing and living arrangements
Flexible and voluntary services
Person-centered recovery and housing stability
Community integration and rights of tenancy
Decent, safe, and affordable housing
Priority Population:
Trueblood class members with at least 2 orders for competency evaluations (on 2 separate occasions) within the past 24 months.
Length of Program:
Participants can be in the program for up to 6 months, with an option to extend as needed. Participants may unenroll from FHARPS at any time. The program is voluntary and person-centered.
Service Coordination:
Participants have a choice in their housing options and will be expected to take a primary role in their personal housing stability plan development and will play an active role in finding housing of their choice.
Housing Case Management and Peer Support
Individualized Service Plan (housing stability plan)
Housing Search and Placement and Housing Retention
Housing Stability
Financial Skill Building
Landlord Liaison Services (engagement and outreach)
Tenant Education and Understanding Leases
Social and Community Integration Skills Training
Daily Living Activities Support
Independent Living Skills Training
Referrals and Linkages to other community resources, requested by participant
Based on funding availability, the short-term housing bridge subsidy provides funds to reduce barriers and increase access to housing options.
All referrals need to be completed electronically. Submit a FHARPS Program Referral HERE
To contact the FHARPS line, please call: (360)489-3091
Release of Information (ROI) Form
Please note that we are only accepting referrals for individuals who reside in Thurston/Mason County or individuals who have been placed into housing within Thurston/Mason County.